It is WIPpet Wednesday. Many thanks to Emily Witt who initiated this wonderful WIPpet gathering. I am still running behind. I now have a large container in my driveway. Everything has to be moved from my office to the container so that they can put in new floors and doors. Besides that, I have two short stories that I am preparing to submit to different publications, so my plate is running over.
So, it is time for me to share the books I have read, the books I am reading, and what I plan to read in the future, and my WIPpet for this week.
So, here goes:
- What have I read?
I haven’t completed any of the books below because of storms and flooding.
What am I reading?
The Miracle of Small Things by Guilie Castillo-Oriard (I’ll be posting a book review on this one, this coming Friday or Saturday.
- What do I plan to read next?
Christine’s Odyssey (Simms Siblings Series by J.L. Campbell, and Broken Pieces by Kathleen Long
My WIPpet: I am continuing with the novel that I am writing and revising on Wattpad.
(My math is simple. 6+22= 28 sentences.
A little bit of history from last week- Daniel appears at the Benefit’s Gala. Something that he doesn’t do, but this year Maria, his administrative assistant, talked him into it. Phoebe doesn’t know Daniel is going to be attending.
The Cabaret evening, sponsored by the Commerce Department, drew people from every branch of the business community. For the past two years, Daniel had not been attending. Instead, he had sent Kirk, Peter, Roberta, Maria, and their spouses as his representatives. A man who shuns the lights of high society, an enjoyable evening for Daniel was playing a game of chess with Kirk or Peter or babysitting for their children. After his disastrous relationship with Shirley, he lost the desire to pursue any woman. Nowadays, he was the pursued and not the pursuer. Thus, he sat around the exquisitely made mahogany oval table looking at his friends and their spouses with suppressed melancholy.
“You ladies look very nice this evening,” Daniel said as he looked at Roberta, Maria and the wives from Kirk and Peter.
“I’d say,” said Peter. “They’re all very attractive.”
“Darling, you’d say that even if I were wearing a flour sack,” Sue said, and the table broke out into laughter.
“Shh, Phoebe is getting ready to walk out on stage,” Kirk said. “I want to hear Phoebe, now.”
Daniel looked at Kirk with a question in his eyes, and Hannah, Kirk wife, caught it. “Kirk is as protective of Phoebe as a mother bear with her cub, and he’s very proud of her,” Hannah said.
“And you aren’t jealous?” Daniel asked.
“Nope. I’m not Daniel. You have to get to know Phoebe. She’s a woman that I admire and respect, and I know my hubby is in good hands with her.”
“Shh,” said Kirk.
They looked toward the stage where Phoebe’s combo had taken their places. Piano, drums, contrabass, and saxophone. As they began to play their instrumental, Daniel once again looked over the group and his glance stop at Maria. His personal admin assistant sat there with her eyes closed as her body moved slightly to the music. It was a Gershwin song, Summertime, and Daniel wondered how Phoebe voice would mix with the musicians that were playing it extremely well. Suddenly, he heard a deep dark, voice, softly rising and increasing in crescendo. The voice rang out in clarity and washed over Daniel’s soul. Amazed at the richness of Phoebe’s voice, Daniel closed his eyes and let her sounds permeate his soul.
My god, she’s touched me.
The tension he’d faced throughout the day left leave him, and he sat back, chained by her voice.
“She’s beautiful,” Daniel murmured when the first set was over.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all along, Boss,” Maria said.
“Here, she comes,” Peter said. “Maybe, we should put what happen today aside until the appropriate time.”
That’s all folks.
Until next week,
Pat Garcia