It is WIPpet Wednesday. The A to Z Blog Challenge 2016 is over and I am a survivor, which means I finished successfully.
So, it is now time for me to share the books I have read, the books I am reading, and what I plan to read in the future and my WIPpet for this week.
So, here goes:
- What have I read?
Memories of Murder, the second book in Yolanda Renèe trilogy. The Alaska scenes are excellently described, and the suspense kept me turning the pages.
- What am I reading?
Still reading, Judging by Derek Prince and An Unsuitable Job for a Woman by P.D. James.
- What do I plan to read next?
I Wish You Were Mine by Lauren Layne, Runaway Man by David Handler, Murder and Obsession, the third book in the trilogy by Yolanda Renèe, and The Sign of the Green Dragon by C. Lee McKenzie.
For my snippet today, out of Just At Dawn, I have 9 paragraphs and the math is simple for me today. (4+5=9).
Background Summary: Kirk, Peter, and Daniel are having a meeting in Daniel’s office. Kirk is angry at Daniel for pushing Phoebe to the brink of quitting. Daniel defends himself by mentioning the quads.
So, here goes:
"But she doesn't know that, Daniel," Kirk said. "She doesn't know that you and Shirley were an item. That happened back then in another state and in another time," Kirk said, his voice getting louder.
"Kirk, watch it. I know you don't want to lose Phoebe, but Daniel doesn't either. We'll ask her to think about this when we have lunch with her, okay? Peter said.
" You can tell her no resignation, Peter, whether she thinks about it or not, and I'll talk with her tomorrow about the job and about the quads after she's calmed down. By the way, does she know I'm going to be attending the special event where she's singing at tonight?"
"No, she doesn't," Kirk said. "I was going to inform her this morning after your meeting, but instead she informed me that she was quitting."
"You seem to be taking this better than I thought you would, Daniel," Peter said observing him.
"Let's just say, Ms. Ward hasn't met the real Daniel Cochran yet, if she thinks she can just walk away from me within a minute, she's going to find out differently."
"I need to get back to my office," Kirk said and he looked at Peter and said, "Lunch at 12:30 PM.
"Let's meet at The Grill. It's a five-minute walk, and we'll have more time to talk. I'm sure Phoebe has some new pics of the kids."
"Fine with me," Kirk said. "The Grill it is," and he left Peter and Daniel sitting in
Daniel's office alone.
Have a great rest of the week.
Shalom Aleichem,
Pat Garcia