Hello Everyone,
It is WIPpet Wednesday. The A to Z Blog Challenge 2016 is over. I am a survivor, and I am bushed.
So, it is now time for me to share the books I have read, the books I am reading, and what I plan to read in the future and my WIPpet for this week.
So, here goes:
- What have I read?
This week, I have not completed any of the books I am reading.
- What am I reading?
In preparation for submitting my manuscript, I have started reading authors who gained an agent at the agencies I would like to submit to in September. So, I’m removing Judging by Derek Prince and An Unsuitable Job for a Woman by P.D. James for a short while. I am now reading Alexei by Roxie Rivera. This is a series and I began in the middle of the series and will have to go back to the first book. I am also reading Madness & Obsession by Yolanda Renèe, and The Sign of the Green Dragon by C. Lee Mckenzie.
- What do I plan to read next?
I Wish You Were Mine by Lauren Layne, Runaway Man by David Handler.
For my snippet today, out of Just At Dawn, I have 16 paragraphs, and I did not do any math, my brain is fried. These are the last paragraphs in chapter Two.
Background Summary: Daniel and Peter are now alone. Kirk has gone to his office. Daniel and Peter talk about the situation. Peter is concerned because he sees something that Daniel doesn’t see.
So here goes:
"You okay, Danny boy?"
"I'm not sure, Pete. I don't know why Phoebe bothers me."
"That's something you are going to have to figure out, because she loves those quads. It's going to hurt her deeply knowing that you are the legal father."
"I agree, and I don't want to hurt her, but I'm hurting each day that I spend away from my boys."
"I know how you feel. I've got two boys of my own and can't imagine them anywhere but with me."
"How could a letter get lost in the Post Office for four years?"
"Weird things happen, Danny boy. Most of us don't believe it until it happens to us," Peter said.
"I'd never thought that Shirley had the decency to inform me that she'd had quadruplets. Honesty didn't suit her."
"Are you sure, they're yours?"
"Pete, I’m very sure. I've seen their birth records."
"I don't envy you, Man. I hope you both can find an answer that will leave both of you unhurt," Peter said while getting up to leave. "I'll let you know how well lunch goes, but don't expect any miracles."
"Yes, Danny?"
"What shall I do?"
"That's one question, I can't answer."
"I was afraid you'd say that. I'll see you guys tonight at the club."
That is it for this week.
Shalom aleichem,